Packing List Patagonia
What to pack for a month long trip in Patagonia
Preparation is the key
Although a month-long journey may seem like a significant amount of time, my experience has taught me that packing for a few days’ worth of trips would require nearly the same amount of items as for a month.
The primary difference would be the ground distance you cover during that period, which could result in significant weather and temperature changes.
Must haves on a bikepacking adventure
When I was preparing for my trip to Patagonia, I had to consider several factors, such as intense winds that affect temperature fluctuations, remoteness, and climate changes as we moved further south towards Ushuaia, also known as the “End of the World”.
There are two things that I am always cautious of while packing for bikepacking trips – the first is the possibility of not being able to sleep at night due to the cold, which can result in poor rest, and the second is the risk of running out of food or water. As I knew that Patagonia would be a harsh and isolated place, I made sure to bring along an extra layer of warmth and a compact camping kitchen to boil water and prepare hot meals.
I decided to take a full suspension GHOST Lector on this trip, not only for it’s comfort benefits, but also for it’s packing capacities.
Due to its stability on riding on a rough terrain I was able to carry a big capacity handlebar bag, where I stored my tent, sleeping mattress, sleeping bag and my waterproofs. Big space in the triangle of the frame allowed me to bring along a rather big frame bag, where I carried everything for a camp kitchen, food, tools and additional water when we needed it. On the bottom of the frame 2L water bottle was attached, which we used for cooking. My saddlebag carried additional clothes, toiletries and charging batteries.
The backpack was used to carry a water bladder and warm jacket and it served as additional space in case we needed to carry more water or food for longer stretches in remote areas.
Clothes - As much as necessary as little as possible
At the beginning of our journey we experienced some scorching temperatures, but as we moved further south, the weather became colder and wetter. Within a few weeks, we went from wearing shorts to suiting up in puffy jackets, layered with rain gear.
Although it may seem daunting to pack for all four seasons, we kept it simple by avoiding bringing any spares. We only brought essential items, such as
long underwear, a t-shirt, a long sleeve, a hoodie, pants, a beanie, gloves and a set of waterproofs. By the end of our trip, we had to wear every single layer to keep ourselves warm.
Sleeping during Bikepacking trips
When it comes to gear, there’s one thing I never save on – a good quality 3-season down sleeping bag. Even though it takes up a significant amount of space in my handlebar bag, it’s always worth bringing along for a good night’s sleep.
Because of the wild and unforgiving wind conditions, we made a tough call to leave the bivvy bags at home and brought a tent with us.
On a long trip like this, a tent serves as your own little home, providing a sense of comfort and security.
Patagonia is a straight-up remote and rugged place place and you can’t rely on finding a nearby restaurant or convenience store. We’ve gone days without being able to restock our supplies, and it quickly became clear that we needed to pack some emergency meals in case we got stuck for a day or two.
Our camp kitchen was about as basic as it gets. Just a tiny camp stove, a collapsible pot (which doubled as our plates), and a spork (spoon shaped fork).
Our diet was far from fancy, we kept it simple, not only because we were lacking storage space on our bikes, but also because of a slim selection that Argentinian markets have to offer.
For water we brought along a water filter and purifying tablets, because we simply didn’t date to trust some of the water sources we came across. And even though we were carrying 7 liters of water, we still struggled to stay hydrated throughout the day. By nightfall, we were rationing out what we had left for dinner and breakfast the next morning.
Experiencing a mechanical failure in the middle of nowhere without the proper tools to fix it is the ultimate nightmare. Fortunately, we were well equipped and had enough tools between us to tackle any potential issues. On the entire trip we only had one flat tire, which sealed itself, and had an otherwise seamless journey.
When traveling to remote areas, I always bring along a small satellite communicator to keep my family informed when there’s no signal for days.
And, of course, a comprehensive first aid kit and knowledge to use it are absolutely essential – no ifs, ands, or buts.
NON ESSENTIALS but nice to have
I refer to these items as “luxuries,” since they are not essential but I like to bring them along for added comfort during my trips.
I like to bring an e-book reader, as reading before bed or in the morning helps me relax and clear my mind.
In addition, I always carry a tiny notebook and a pencil, so I can write down my daily thoughts, memorable moments and interesting observations throughout the trip. And when I am feeling down, I find that listening to uplifting music with my headphones is an easy way to boost my mood and motivation.
There is no right or wrong approach to packing for a long journey. Some people prefer to prioritize comfort, bringing items like foldable chairs, hardcover books, and coffee cups, while other pack only the bare essentials. With each trip, you will learn what items are important to you and what you can do without.